Association El Amane

El Amane Association for Women and Children
Empowering Women, Children, and Youth for a Better Future

Association El Amane presedente

Our History

El Amane Association for Women and Children, founded by Halima Oulami in 2003, it defends the rights of women and girls in the Sidi Youssef Ben Ali neighborhood. Mrs. Oulami began by offering legal and human rights training, along with professional sewing training, to 70 out-of-school girls. This training aimed to empower these young women.

Faced with initial resistance from local authorities, Mrs. Oulami persevered and officially registered the association, which has become a model for other organizations fighting for women's rights in the region.

Our Mission

In Morocco, the issue of violence against women is widespread, and there are many victims, even though statistics are lacking. A significant number of women experience various forms of violence, whether physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or legal.

Morocco has made significant progress in human rights by ratifying several international conventions and aligning national laws with international principles and agreements. Unfortunately, Morocco has yet to establish a specific law against violence against women.

Through its advocacy work with local and national public authorities and its daily activities with women victims of violence, the El Amane Association for Women and Children ensures the prevention and awareness of all the dangers they may face.

Association El Amane presedente


Association El Amane Le Deuxième Atelier D’éducation Par Les Pairs
El Amane Association - The Second Peer Education Workshop
Association El Amane Podcast Formation
El Amane Association - Podcast Training for Youth
Association El Amane campagne de sensibilisation aux garanties des libertés individuelles en droit pénal
El Amane Association - Awareness Campaign in Marrakech
Association El Amane Interventions lors du séisme au Maroc
El Amane Association - Interventions During the Earthquake in Morocco
Association El Amane Présentation De Productions Artistiques
El Amane Association - Presentation of Artistic Production
Association El Amane Activité Pour La Journée Mondiale De L'Enfance
El Amane Association - Activity for World Children's Day


Médias communautaires
Community Media
Le droit d’obtenir des informations
The right to obtain information
Radio El Amane
El Amane Radio
Association El Amane Centre D'Ecoute
El Amane Association - Listening Center
Ajyal Egalite
Ajyal Equality

Contact us now

Telephone: +212524404379
Address: Av Moussa Ibn Noussair SYBA Marrakec